Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Zumba ninjas and serious indecision.

Yesterday was not particularly easy, but I made it. Today I have a plan for lunch.  I have already had breakfast and for dinner....OMG I HAVE NO IDEA! So here I am with my first case of indecision.  Normally, this leads to a "quick bite" that turns into a "frantic search" and ends with a "super fatty" meal...usually at the hands of my Mexican friends at Las Maracas. But today, because of my Bullish determination and Iron (or at least aluminum) constitution, I will cook. But WHAT? I pick up two CSAs today and share them with our friends AND I am doing a mega Costco run (gotta get ready for the epic blizzard of '10).  Maybe by the end of all that I will have an idea of what to do. I hope. I ALSO decided to take a day off from exercise and who do I run into but Sara Plambeck and Alison Egerton. They are Zumba ninjas. I take their's kind of like skipping batting practice and running to Babe Ruth. I will be back tomorrow, both to exercise and to tell you about my journey. Thank you!


1 comment:

Sara said...

I think I will be trademarking Zumba Ninja. Maybe you can make up a dance for that? Show me next time after class! You are great inspiration and I'm always glad to see you in or out of class.