Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Hey everybody! So far so good. It has been thirteen days and I haven't eaten out. Hoorah. This is definitely the longest stretch I can remember.

Today's plan is to have breakfast, lunch (soup) and for dinner...homemade Chicken Mole! This is an EVENT. It's not easy to make...first I have to boil a chicken...(not too bad). But it's the mole sauce that's the real pain. Lots of different kinds of chiles and chocolate and what not. Last time I made it, I slaved and slaved-- FINALLY got it into a blender and was almost done when I removed the blender from the stand and COVERED the kitchen in a cocoa flood. Our dishwasher is still an "off white" because of that fiasco. Anyway, mole it is.

I have noticed that the financial fear in my life is significantly reduced because I am not eating (literally) through my checking account. I have money...and it's slow. And I need money. And work. Soon. Hah! But really, it feels like I am my ally rather than enemy and that is a good feeling.

Weight. Just saying the word makes my stomach tighten with anxiety. It is a word that has been used against me soooo much, usually at my own hands. I think a lot of my weight is an outward representation of hiding. Hiding from people, afraid that they will hurt me. Hiding from challenges and opportunities, fearing that I will fail. Hiding from love...afraid that I couldn't face it...I still don't really get that one...but hey, addictions aren't known for their logic. Every time someone said something dumb, instead of confronting...I ate. A lot. Every time I was asked to do something that was on the edge of what I considered to be my abilities...yup...I ate. So, I notice that I have feelings that have never really been expressed. Well, here's to miserable as it is. Hah! I had therapist once say to me..."You can have the known misery, or the miserable unknown." What he meant was, I can stay unfulfilled and unhappy or I can face the miserable feeling of the unknown, upon which (of course) I tend to project catastrophe. "What if it all flies apart?" "I will be homeless" and it usually ends with.."..and I will die." I never a considered the good things that could (and indeed DID) happen. Not until I moved toward the voice that said "you'll never make it."

Well, I suppose I will sign off and get my day started. Moving toward the terror and willing to fail, I will boil my chicken and make my sauce. I will play my trombone and write. I will exercise and interact with the rest of the world. (Cue: "Mine Eyes Have Seen The Glory").
Once again thank you all for reading, responding, and your much appreciated support.



Anonymous said...

Hey Roy,

Greetings from my kitchen to yours.

John and I made goat stew with our goat meat that you and Kristie so thoughtfully gave us for Christmas. Having never ventured out of my "meat comfort zone," I forged ahead into the unknown to cook goat. I felt I was "cooking on the edge"today. I'll send the recipe to K whenever I get it formatted.

I look forward to reading your blogs each day.
What a great son-in-law!!!!


Anonymous said...

Company coming for Carol's Crock Pot Goat Stew and John's "What's This?" Smoked Pork Shoulder. They are both just waiting for us......Roy, you are going to have to get a smoker.....yum....smell that hickory and misquite......Carol