Friday, January 22, 2010

A Behemoth Hotel WITH NO MICROWAVE?!?!?!

I won't name names...but it starts with Opry and ends with Land. I took my lunch yesterday and thought that I would heat it in a microwave. BWAHAHAHAHHAHA!!! nope. Well, I did...but it was not easy. I walked. A Lot. A WHOLE lot. On my break for lunch, I was going to eat what I brought with me so I could stay on this INCREASINGLY RIDICULOUS plan. At first I thought, "I will go home and eat my lunch." I mentioned this plan to the contractor and I think she must have misheard me. I think she thought I said "on the lunch break I am going to stomp puppies and start a coup" She looked at me with horror and asked ..."Why would you leave???" I said..."To eat" Well, that's when I decided it would be "easier" to just microwave my lunch there.
One thing you have to understand about this hotel is---it could be a city. Really. It. is. humongo. So I start walking...and walking. I ask the first person I see in uniform. "Is there a microwave nearby?" The guy looks thoughtfully toward the sky as if he is waiting on word from our Lord and Saviour. He says "I don't think so, but ask anyone you see in uniform and they will help you. There are bound to be some near here". Well....that's what I thought Timmy.
Into the giant lobby I venture..ask another employee...he says "Have nice day" and smiles. uh-oh. Increasingly frustrated, I just started saying the word microwave into crowds of people. Then I start asking every coffee stand and mini cafe in the place. All of them say no. I finally find a place that will do it. A sweet Colombian woman said she would. And she did! I asked her to microwave my potato and it puzzled her...she had never done it. After she did, I said "They are really good like that" She said, "I will try tonight at home" That is what you call a win-win. So I had my lunch despite it all.
My plan for tomorrow is breakfast, lunch is unknown (I have to fix that) and dinner hinges on lunch (leftovers) I am hoping to make Chicken Curry...I have to look up a recipe.

Once again thank you for reading!

And a special thank you to Sara Plambeck for letting me know about tonight's class. It was great and so nice to meet her daughter! (I like to make her laugh)



Anonymous said...

I'm impressed!
You are committed and still have your great sense of humor even as you met the GREAT MICROVAVE CHALLENGE. Who knows what lurks around the next "lunch encounter."

Anonymous said...

oops.....That would be MICROWAVE.
I used to be an English teacher.....


Amie V said...

hahahahahahahaha! i blame gaylord. they are evil and must be destroyed. thank goodness for sweet colombian ladies! =D

J. P. Morrison said...

Try this recipe for chicken curry:

It's good and fast.