Thursday, January 7, 2010

January dinner dates!

I really do believe that God provides for us.  Even when I'm fretting about money or school or anything, I know in the back of my mind that everything will work out one way or another.  Eating out has always been such a big part of my life with Roy.  It has always been our "pick me up" when we were feeling blue or our "celebration" when things were going well.  Another thing that eating out has provided is a way for us to socialize with friends without having to cook or clean.  But can we not gather around a simple meal or a potluck so that no one has to bear the entire burden of cooking and cleaning up after a meal?  And to take it to another level, when did it become such a burden to cook a simple meal for my friends and family?  As my mother recently told me, her mom cooked three meals a day for her family.  Surely I can eek out one!  I think it all comes down to balance and putting things in their proper place.

All that said, we have several "dinner dates" coming up.  This Sunday is our monthly potluck lunch at Eastwood.  Mid month we will be attending a vegan brunch.  Thank you Shalene and Jason!  Our heirloom tomato group is having their annual seed exchange/potluck at the end of the month.  And we already have an invitation for chili verde at a good friend's home in February.  When I step back and look at the connections I have built, I see that there is no reason a year without restaurants should be a lonely one.  On the contrary, I'm sure it will be a year full of relationship building and reconnecting with people around the dinner table.


1 comment:

Roy Agee said...

This made me feel hopeful