Friday, January 15, 2010


A quick post tonight. Our friends came over and we made fried chicken. It was GREAT...I was quite happy. I also made a nice lean steak covered with the rest of the mole sauce. I need leftovers from both dishes tomorrow as I will be gone all day and need to be prepared. I also did Nikole's sports conditioning class yesterday at 5:30. Very difficult but I did it! She was so encouraging and it felt good to get through it. That's all for now friends...I am gonna sleep so I can get up early and face another day.

Oh, I almost forgot...Jan. 1...I weighed 323. This morning (Jan. 15th) I weighed 315. This has happened with exercise and the cessation of restaurant eating. Nothing else. In other words, it is not strict dieting...just an active role in the preparation of my own food. I will start posting pictures from this experiment soon as well.



1 comment:

approachingperfection said...

Remember to detox. A lot of our weight is due to toxins that hide in fat.