Saturday, January 16, 2010

The fried chicken diet!

So with our new eating plan, and by eating plan I mean eating three meals a day home cooked at HOME, we are experimenting with lots of new foods that we have never made before. Last night we had a few friends over and made fried chicken from my grandma's recipe. I'll post the recipe later on my "Eat Like Your Grandma" blog. It was wonderfully delicious and the company was fantastic. It was so much more satisfying than eating fried chicken from a restaurant. After all, at a restaurant you usually have absolutely no idea where your food is coming from. Also, you have no idea how long their ingredients (especially the oil) has been sitting around. Our meal was fresh and made with love, so I have no guilt about eating it.

Now, on to my even bigger news. Since we began this project I have been weighing myself every morning. Now, I know this is somewhat controversial and there are many, many different ideas out there about when and how often one should weigh themselves. But the point of this blog is to prove that you can maintain or even lose weight by eating anything you want, as long as it is home cooked from scratch, even fried chicken.

Since I started eating this way, I have lost a minimum of .2(two tenths) of a pound every day. This morning I was down .6 lbs. That means I lost over half a pound between yesterday and today even after a meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans and rolls. And that was without exercise. Roy is exercising a lot and is losing weight much more quickly. I'm feeling pretty sure that at the end of this year Roy and I will have lost mucho weight. We shall see. It will also be interesting to see the effect this way of eating has on our cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.

I am off to do some cooking for the week. I am making chicken chili, no-knead bread,oatmeal and beans with cornbread. All of this will be supplemented with veggies from our CSAs. Rock on!


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