Thursday, January 7, 2010

What now?

I am out of ideas. It is day five. What..was...I...thinking?  It feels like I decided to swim the English where are my arm floaties? I have breakfast covered and I think I have lunch covered...but undecided. It frustrates me that I feel like this is a full time job. It has been my hope that I would post my meal plan on here so that I would have a strategy for the coming (or impending...according to mood) day. But here I am...drawing blanks. Obviously, I am going to have to expand my repertoire. I have a few books. I will read. And pray. Maybe cry a little. It reminds me of a few of my "desperate" meals. Meals that I have had to eat in for whatever reason with nothing in mind and only a few resources.

Unsalted baking peanuts...sweet wine...bread with crystallized honey that had been in our cabinet for quite some time.

Cheetos and hummus.

Pasta with olives and a beer.

Feta cheese and potato chips.


So I need a plan to avoid these culinary tragedies.  I have a good amount of cookbooks and endless resources online, but bottom line...I am not used to thinking about this. In fact, I am not really used to living fully awake. Well, here's to waking up and trying to eat something other than tortillas and pudding.



Anonymous said...

Hey Roy and Kristie! Congrats on your efforts!
My mom used to (well, she still does to some extent) make the same thing each day of the week - I don't remember them all, but I remember Thursday was homemade pizza, and Saturday was steak night, I think Wednesday was pork, etc... It makes the 'what's for dinner' decision easier, and also helps to plan shopping trips. She would change up side dishes for variety. Just an idea from your friend, Moford

Anonymous said...

Hey Roy,

How about some Civilian MRE's. The real military ones have a flameless heater in them. I've got a couple that Mark gave us that I could pass on for emergency consumption. Does stopping at a truck stop and heating a meal in a microwave count as a legal culinary activity on your program?

Hold on a moment.......Dad just checked the price on line and they do have built in heating devices. 12 meals for $82. That's 7 bucks a meal.I'll ship the 2 out to you if you are interested.


Anonymous said...

YOU are supposed to try those as YOU are the one writing the book!!!

Anonymous said...

They sound gross!