Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hard core.

I did a very difficult class this morning. It was brilliant and hard. as. hell. A recap of what I can remember....
3 laps to "warm-up". Or, alternatively, 3 laps to "test the limits of my cardiovascular system."
A few more laps around the gym---for good measure.
Jump from side to side and lift one leg -- hold---repeat---a lot.
Move across gym going side to side. Crab walk across gym twice. Hop in a diagonal pattern, the length of the gym--run 3/4 lap and start again with the "move across the gym."
But wait, there's more...sprints, run against resistance, (One guy trying to hold me with resistance bands while I run away. I almost broke the band...THAT'S not embarrassing.) Then the race...a sprint against a member of the opposite team. One lap straight across the gym and back. As fast as you can. I gave it everything my body could give. and more. I went as fast as I could. OOHH OOHH THEN there was the "mirror" game in which you followed you partner, mirror-image style, did what they did, squatted and jumped for sometime (It felt like a lost WEEKEND but I think it was a minute.) The push-ups, the reverse duck walk--or in my case the "lay down for a minute". I know I am leaving stuff out, but we ended with Abs. All I could think was "for the love of all that is holy and righteous, please make my stomach stop BURNING!!!" It felt as though the dark prince himself was poking me with a white hot DEATH POKER. Or maybe something like this:

Replace the girl in blue with me, and the girl in red with a nine-foot GLADIATOR and you have a personal summation of abdominal exercises.

Cool class...gonna go back on Thursday.

I love the people that help me. They make me feel as though I really can do it. I can push and get where I am going. Nickole, Sara, Jen, Shelean, Shalene, Barry, Garris, Tim, My Wife, Patty. Not to mention all of the fine folks with whom I experience these class. The difference they make, is the difference between an existence, and a life. Too dramatic for you? I wish I could show you the past. This is real. Something is different this time. There is an openness about me that let's people in, and not long ago, I was too afraid to get near. Burritos were my friend.

Thank you for being kind...and believing. I will push myself to my limit. Right when I feel sick, or afraid that I will burst into tears in frustration I will stop for a second...but those seconds are happening with less frequency.

Talk to you soon



Anonymous said...

what the heck kind o class was this? It scares me and I thought I had taken every class out there by now! Wow!

Mike Casteel said...

You encourage me every time I read a new post. Keep it up! I want to join you soon.

Anonymous said...

can you please tell me where did you find your gym/class.please?

Roy Agee said...

Sure! I do mornings at the Margret Maddox YMCA.
I alternate between Zumba and Sports Conditioning.

Anonymous said...

thank you:)